4 Healthy Ways to Enjoy Deviled Eggs

If you are looking for a perfect treat for the party or picnic you’re planning, you have probably considered deviled eggs. They are easy snacks that people can’t get enough of. You might assume, however, that they are unhealthy because they tend to be loaded with mayonnaise.

Although mayonnaise is a core ingredient in traditional deviled egg recipes, it doesn’t have to be! There are plenty of ways for you to make these treats healthy. It’s time to take back deviled eggs!

Coconut Milk Deviled Eggs Recipe

Coconut milk is incredibly rich in healthy fats and the thick, creamy texture is similar to mayonnaise. These coconut milk deviled eggs will certainly be a hit for their unique flavor.


  • 12 large eggs
  • 1 cup canned coconut milk
  • ½ cup unsweetened almond milk
  • ½ cup chopped onion
  • 2 teaspoons chopped fresh chives


  1. Place eggs in a covered saucepan with cold water before bringing it to a boil. Once boiling, remove the saucepan from heat.
  2. Let the eggs stand for 10 minutes before peeling.
  3. After the hardboiled eggs are peeled, slice them into halves and remove the yolks.
  4. Mix the yolks into a bowl along with the rest of the ingredients (except for chives).
  5. Mix well and fill the final product into the egg halves in generous dollops. Sprinkle with chives before serving.

Guacamole Deviled Eggs 

Fresh avocado is thick and creamy, not to mention full of healthy fats and other nutrients. In this recipe, avocado gives the deviled egg filling a unique flavor as well as a wonderful texture.


  • 12 large eggs
  • 2 ripe avocadoes, pitted and chopped
  • 1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon sour cream
  • ½ jalapeno, seeded and minced
  • Pinch salt and pepper
  • 2 tablespoons fresh chopped cilantro


  1. Place eggs in a covered saucepan with cold water before bringing it to a boil. Once boiling, remove the saucepan from heat.
  2. Let the eggs stand for 10 minutes before peeling.
  3. After the hardboiled eggs are peeled, slice them into halves and remove the yolks.
  4. Mix the yolks into a bowl along with the rest of the ingredients (except for cilantro). Mix well and fill the final product into the egg halves in generous dollops.
  5. Cool and sprinkle with chopped cilantro before serving.

Smoked Salmon Deviled Eggs

Looking for a savory take on traditional deviled eggs? These smoked salmon deviled eggs are like nothing you’ve tried before.


  • 12 large eggs
  • 6 ounces smoked salmon
  • 6 ounces cottage cheese
  • 2 tablespoons thinly sliced chives
  • 1 teaspoon chopped fresh dill
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 pinch paprika


  1. Place eggs in a covered saucepan with cold water before bringing it to a boil. Once boiling, remove the saucepan from heat.
  2. Let the eggs stand for 10 minutes before peeling.
  3. After the hardboiled eggs are peeled, slice them into halves and remove the yolks.
  4. Blend all other ingredients (except paprika) in a food processor before filling the egg halves with generous dollops.
  5. Cool and sprinkle with paprika before serving.

Hummus Deviled Eggs 

A healthy take on deviled eggs, this recipe gets its creamy texture from hummus rather than mayonnaise. Don’t be afraid to try it with different hummus flavors!


  • 12 large eggs
  • ¾ cup hummus
  • ¼ teaspoon chili powder
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 pinch paprika


  1. Place eggs in a covered saucepan with cold water before bringing it to a boil. Once boiling, remove the saucepan from heat.
  2. Let the eggs stand for 10 minutes before peeling.
  3. After the hardboiled eggs are peeled, slice them into halves and remove the yolks.
  4. Mix all other ingredients (except paprika) in a bowl before filling the egg halves with generous dollops.
  5. Cool and sprinkle with paprika before serving.

The Problem with Mayo

It may seem like the generally small of mayo that goes into a deviled egg can’t be that big of a deal, but it adds up. One tablespoon of mayo contains about 90 calories, or about 5 percent of your daily recommended amount. Additionally, each tablespoon includes 10 grams of fat, 5 milligrams of cholesterol, and 90 milligrams of sodium.

If you aren’t sure what that really means, let’s just put it this way: it is a lot more than you want from one tablespoon of food, which happens to be about the amount of mayonnaise in a deviled egg.

It is true that there are diet options for mayonnaise lovers, but even these are not exactly ideal. While some egg traditionalists may shudder at the idea, the truth is that it is better to ditch the notion of mayo altogether and put something a little bit healthier in your deviled eggs.

There are plenty of healthy alternatives out there. For a simple and similar switch up, you can try canned coconut milk. This will give you a fairly similar final product with drastically improved health stats. If you are looking for a more adventurous alternative, how about trying hummus, guacamole, or smoked salmon?

Everybody wants to make food that is healthy and delicious at the same time. If you’ve been living your life thinking that deviled eggs can’t offer you that much, it may be time to try them another way.

Tips for Making Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs are a relatively simple recipe, but there are still some mistakes that can be made, which is why it is good to know a few pieces of advice for getting them just right.

The most common advice you will get is that it is better to use older eggs, as they will be easier to peel after being hard boiled. This is true for all recipes you may pursue involving hard boiled eggs.

It is possible to overcook your eggs, which is why it is important to remove them from heat after 10 minutes. A great way to make sure they are cooked just right is to (carefully!) strain out the water you boiled them in before briefly running them under cool water. This should make sure that the boiling process is truly over and your eggs don’t go and overcook.

Lastly, a common and entirely avoidable mistake is to not mix the yolk mix thoroughly enough. When all of the ingredients come together it can be hard to tell whether there are still chunks of yolk floating around, but you will enjoy your eggs more if everything is mixed thoroughly until it is a consistent paste. Do yourself a favor and go above and beyond when you are mixing your ingredients.

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Now that you’ve got a few recipes in the bag, it’s time to bring some healthy and adventurous deviled eggs to the table so everybody knows that you are the life of the party!

Scientific References: